Top 4 Skin Care Tips

Top 4 Skin Care Tips - Makes Scents Natural Spa LineThe skin is our largest organ and it’s important to treat it with care. It prevents dehydration, keeps harmful  microbes out, thus preventing infections, and contains nerve endings that help us feel things like heat, cold, and pain. Our skin helps keep our body temperature even and even makes vitamin D when the sun shines on it. Pretty impressive, right? So in recognition of National Healthy Skin Month, I decided to share my top four skin care tips that I incorporate into my daily skin care routine. Check them out below!


It’s true. You are what you eat. As with anything in life, what you put into something is what you get out of it. The same goes with diet and your skin. Eating foods that are high in essential fatty acids help to not only nourish the body but protect and nourish the skin. Essential fatty acids decrease inflammation and firm the skin by activating the proteins needed for collagen synthesis and build healthy skin cells. So start munching on the foods below for more firm, healthy skin!

  • Hemp
  • Flax
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grain foods

Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse

I have to admit, washing my face at the end of the day, when I am utterly exhausted, is usually the last thing on my to-do list. But removing the dirt and grime of the day not only feels amazing but is extremely beneficial for our skin too. While we sleep, our body repairs the damage done to our skin throughout the day. While it’s true that not washing your face at the end of the day won’t slow this repairing process, it does help to prevent breakouts (from dirty pillows) and also allows your night-time products to work better.


One of my absolute favorite parts of my skincare routine is exfoliation. I have to admit, I am addicted. The look and feel of my skin after exfoliation is indescribable. Plus, exfoliation preps your skin for the products that follow. Removing the upper layer of dry, dead skin cells not only softens and brightens the skin, but allows follow-up products to penetrate better. So following up exfoliation with a vitamin C serum or a moisturizer is a win-win step in daily skincare.


After cleansing, and especially after exfoliation, it’s so important to protect your skin. Applying a paraben-free moisturizer, as is protecting it with a broad spectrum SPF (SPF 30 or higher), is the best way to keep youthful skin. Generously slather both products (or a combination moisturizer/SPF) on face, neck and ears to prevent sun damage and premature aging. And remember, when outdoors for extended periods of time to reapply!

We would love to hear from you! Tell us you favorite part of your skincare routine in the comments below!

Are you looking for natural bath and body products that you can incorporate into your daily routine? If so, visit our website for more details on our certified cruelty-free, natural, organic and vegan collections!

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5 Responses to “Top 4 Skin Care Tips”

  1. These skin care tips look great. Your first section on “nourish” which is about your diet, contains really important advice on how the right foods can really improve the look of your skin and give it the glowing factor you’re after. Overall, each of the sections in this article covers many points that people can follow to get the most out of their skin and appearance.

  2. Love this article! You are sharing the best skin care tips. Thanks and keep sharing.

  3. I love to read your blogs and I really like this article so much. These are the best skin care tips. Thanks and keep sharing.

  4. Hello Katherine! Thank you so much for reaching out! There are so many really good cleansers for sensitive skin. I would suggest taking a look at the directory on the Leaping Bunny website for a list of companies who produce ethically made, cruelty-free products. You can download the cruelty-free shopping guide at the link below which will list all the certified cruelty-free companies. You can also download the Leaping Bunny app on your smart phone and then search for a brand by the product category, such as “Face Care” under the “Personal Care” area. It is a FANTASTIC app! I’ve heard a lot of good things about Juice Beauty and Tata Harper. I am using Sothys currently for my facial care products, along with formulating our own in-house products, just for our in-house team. I hope this information helps and please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks again! ~ Heather

    Also, look for a line of products that contain essential oils and is paraben and sulfate-free.

  5. Thanks for these awesome beauty tips. I have a sensitive skin so can you suggest me some cleansing facewash that can suit my skin type.

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