DIY Natural Deodorant Recipe (that actually works)

Makes Scents Natural Spa Line - DIY Natural DeodorantIt’s just a fact of life. I sweat. You sweat. We all sweat. Perspiration and body odor can happen when you exercise, when you’re too warm, or when you’re nervous, anxious or under stress. For some it comes in various names: glisten, glow, dewy, sparkle and my all-time favorite, “No, I don’t sweat. That’s liquid awesome!” But I think we can all agree that not all sweat is awesome.

The Odoriferous Truth About Sweat

Did you know that your body has two main types of sweat glands? Our body has eccrine glands, that cover most of the body except for your armpits and groin, which are covered by apocrine glands. These two glands produce very different types of sweat. According to the Mayo Clinic, “both types are odorless, but the type of sweat produced in your armpits and groin smells bad when it combines with bacteria found normally on your skin.” In fact, nearly 1,000 different species of bacteria have been found living on our skin. Who knew that bacteria is the culprit to stinky pits, not sweat itself?

When stressed (physical or emotional), apocrine glands produce protein-rich sweat that contains fatty acids, including a carbohydrate called sialomucin. Sialomucin is a glycoprotein, a protein that has a sugar coating. And guess what loves sugar? Bacteria. Bacteria thrive on sugar and use it as a source of energy to survive. The byproduct of this process? Dreaded body odor.

So what can we do to prevent this smelly process? Well, since Staphylococcus epidermidis and Corynebacterium xerosis are the main two types of bacteria that causes underarm odor, the key is to fight those specific types of bacteria. With what you may ask? Nothing more than plant-based, bacteria-fighting essential oils proven to kill those two types of bacteria.

Store-Bought Deodorant May Not Be the Best Choice

There is much debate about store-bought deodorant and their safety. Here’s our take:

  1. If we were designed to expel sweat, then why fight it? Store-bought deodorants are chock full of ingredients that are meant to not only block odor but prevent sweating itself. However, it is smart to stop perspiration all together? Not necessarily. There are many benefits of sweating that actually don’t stink (pun intended), including detoxifying the body of harmful toxins. Day after day, morning after morning, we smear on aluminum-based sticks of deodorant that deliberately plug up our sweat glands to prevent perspiration. However, aluminum-based compounds, when applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen-like (hormonal) effects. Because estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer. However, due to conflicting results from numerous studies, more research must be done. However, if there is even a chance of harmful effects, why risk it?
  2. According to a case study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, entitled, An Earlier Age of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Related to More Frequent Use of Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Underarm Shaving, “Frequency and earlier onset of antiperspirant/deodorant usage with underarm shaving were associated with an earlier age of breast cancer diagnosis. Combined habits are likely for this earlier age of diagnosis. In conclusion, underarm shaving with antiperspirant/deodorant use may play a role in breast cancer.” Again, why take the risk if there are alternative options?

Natural DIY Deodorant Recipe

At Makes Scents Natural Spa Line, our team is constantly trying to lessen our use of chemical-laden personal care products. Call us paranoid, but in our eyes less is best. Our team has tried numerous store-bought “natural’ deodorants only to find that they aren’t as natural as they claim to be or they just plain stink at keeping perspiration and odor at bay. That’s when our creative juices kicked in! Genessa, our Master Mixologist and lover of everything natural, came up with an amazingly effective, natural DIY deodorant formula using an essential oil blend that fights off those two main bacteria that cause smelly pits! Below are two versions of Genessa’s deodorant. Try them out and let us know what you think. So far, it has work for us and we hope it works for you too!

In our recipes we have included three of the top essential oils that fight off armpit odor caused by bacteria: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and Thyme (T. sintenesi). Don’t believe us? Check out the research in the links above to prove it!

Fresh Hippie Deodorant

1/2 cup Cornstarch
6 Tbs. Fractionated Coconut Oil or Sunflower Oil
20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
10 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil
5 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

Directions: Mix all ingredients well until smooth. Store in a small jar with a tight fitting lid. Use small wooden, metal or plastic applicator stick to remove from jar. Apply a dime size amount of natural deodorant to each underarm and gently rub into skin until no reside remains. Prior to each use, stir well.

Relaxed Hippie Deodorant

1/2 cup Cornstarch
6 Tbs. Fractionated Coconut Oil or Sunflower Oil
20 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 Drops Geranium Essential Oil
5 Drops Thyme Essential Oil

Directions: Mix all ingredients well until smooth. Store in a small jar with a tight fitting lid. Use small wooden, metal or plastic applicator stick to remove from jar. Apply a dime size amount of natural deodorant to each underarm and gently rub into skin until no reside remains. Prior to each use, stir well.

Don’t forget, we want to hear from you so give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments below!

All our best,

Heather & the Makes Scents Natural Spa Line Team

P.S. If you need help finding the above ingredients, let us know at

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2 Responses to “DIY Natural Deodorant Recipe (that actually works)”

  1. Hi Anthony! This is wonderful news! I am so glad that you like our DIY natural deodorant recipe. It is pretty amazing isn’t it?!?! Thanks again for reaching out! ~ Heather

  2. Hi, I’m a man and I’ve looked for hours on the internet to find a simple to do, few ingredients, good natural deodorant for ultra sensitive skin, well I found it. I have tried your Fresh Hippie Deodorant with coconut oil and it really works, for now I have had no problems with it. It is quick and easy to make and it makes a good batch that lasts long using a dime size amount of the deodorant! Thank you very much!

    At first I was putting too much and it created a flaky residue that was falling everywhere so it is important to go with dime sized portion! I just rub it until it is well absorbed and voilà, ready to go to work! It washes easily on your hands with warm water and soft soap.

    I will also definitely try your Relaxed Hippie Deodorant. I have always loved the softness of Corn starch but never knew I would use it one day on my underarms! 🙂

    I’ve been using it for months now and will keep using it until my last breath! Once again thank you very very much!

    **Note: Under (Store-Bought Deodorant May Not Be the Best Choice) point #1 in the second line after (However) I think the words ( it is ) have been interchanged and are suppose to be read ( is it )… I think??… maybe I’m wrong, I’m French haha!

    Have a nice day and may God bring you peace and continue to bless you business and your talent!

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